Q: What time do services start?
A: Our Worship service starts at 11:00 AM on Sundays.

Q: How do I get to Good Shepherd?

A: We are located at the following address:
470 Hurley Ave.
Hurley, NY 12443
[Click Here for Directions]

Q: What should I wear?

A: We care more about sharing the love of Jesus than what you wear to church! Come dressed however you feel comfortable. You’ll find that some of our members come dressed in jeans, and others come in suits or dresses.

Q: What about the offering?

A: As a visitor, you are our guest, so there’s no pressure to give. Our members give to support the ministry of Good Shepherd in response to God’s love for them.

Q: Will I have to stand up in front of people?

A: No. You’ll notice that our church is a small, welcoming community, so many people will most likely welcome you personally.

Q: What kind of music do you sing?

A: Our congregation sees the value in many types of music, but we most often sing hymns that are accompanied by organ, piano, or guitar. Our service book is a rich resource of old and new hymns that add to our worship.

Q: What should I expect when I visit Good Shepherd?

A: A community shaped by the love of Christ. The people of Good Shepherd recognize that on their own, they are sinful and separated from God. But they also realize that they have been forgiven and reunited with God through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. You’ll notice the joy of Christ drives our worship, and our interactions.

Q: What type of messages will I hear at your church?

A: You’ll hear first and foremost about how God in his love sent his son Jesus to redeem the world from sin. Then you’ll hear how that love and redemption impacts how we live our lives and our understanding of some of life’s toughest challenges.

Q: How long do your services last?

A: Services usually last just over an hour, but we don’t run on a strict time schedule. After church, we spend time in fellowship over coffee. We understand that people have busy schedules, but we also value the special time that we have on Sundays when we can relax and share Jesus’ love with one another.

Q: Do I have to be a member to participate?

A: No, but Good Shepherd always extends an invitation to visitors to become members. If you would like to become a member, speak with any member of the congregation.

Q: What if I have a prayer request?

A: You can email us at gslec@usinternet.com or call us at (845) 338-5262.
© 2025 Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church | 470 Hurley Ave., Hurley, NY 12443 | gselc@usinternet.com