-October 9, 2024-
2 PM Chair Yoga
6 PM Bible Study at Good Shepherd
-October 13, 2024-
21st Sunday After Pentecost
11 AM Service
Holy Communion
-October 14, 2024-
6:30 PM Council Meeting

Enrich your Spiritual Life

We believe that "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that a messenger of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." –2 Timothy 3:16-17

Because the Word of God is how we hear about his saving gift of Jesus and his plan for salvation, we make studying God's word a priority.

By entering into Bible Study, we are able to make the most of the wonderful oppurtunity God has given to us to study his word. We get to learn more about how sin and grace affect our eternal hope, joy, and everyday moral and ethical decisions.

During Bible Study at Good Shepherd, we get to wrestle with tough issues of faith, doctrine, and morality. Past topics have included "Why bad things happen to good people," "The Creation/Evolution Depate," and "The role of Christians in a secular world."

Please accept our inviation to join us. Check the Bible Study link on our home page for details.

© 2024 Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church | 470 Hurley Ave., Hurley, NY 12443 |