-January 13, 2025-
6:30 PM Zoom Council Meeting
-January 15, 2025-
2 PM Chair Yoga
6:30 PM Bible Study
-January 19, 2025-
2nd Sunday of Epiphany
11 AM Service

Belief and Practice at Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).

We believe, teach, and confess that there is one true triune God—the Father who created all things; his son Jesus who became human to save people from the punishment of sin; and in the Holy Spirit who works the miracle of faith through God's word and Sacrament (Baptism and Holy Communion).

We believe that all people are born sinful and are in need of redemption through Jesus. We believe that Jesus will forgive all who repent and believe that he is the son of God. We believe that Jesus' life, death, and ressurection has saved us from sin and eternal damnation.

As Lutherans, we hold to many of the teachings of Martin Luther, the great church reformer who taught that we are saved by Grace Alone (by God's free gift; we can't earn our salvation), through Faith Alone (with the help of the Holy Spirit, we cling to Jesus' promise of forgiveness).

We know and trust these teachings to be true through Scripture Alone (the Bible is the source of all Christian teaching).

For additional information about our beliefs, visit the LCMS web site.

© 2025 Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church | 470 Hurley Ave., Hurley, NY 12443 |